
For Healthcare Providers

Services & solutions provided to hospitals, medical centers, and other healthcare organizations.


Education and Training

Education and training represent a core operation in Meta Healthcare as we believe education can create a better world and enhance the healthcare system’s performance overall.


Continuous Medical Education (CMEs)

In Meta Healthcare, we specialized in health transformation courses offering innovative, insight-rich content and providing exceptional development opportunities for both current and future leaders in healthcare.

These courses can be of different areas and specialties including Health Administration, Clinical Coding and Classification, Revenue Cycle Management, Clinical Documentation Integrity, and Health Information Management. Courses are delivered through distance learning and on-site training using advanced learning management system.

Furthermore, these courses are offered around the year based on our academic calendar to provide diverse development opportunities that fit everyone’s needs.


Meta Healthcare can also provide all the courses on-demand to fit all the healthcare providers’ needs and busy schedule. We can design new courses upon requests by hospitals, medical centers, or individual professionals.

Private Tutoring

In Meta Healthcare, we can provide students as well as professionals with private tutoring services with our academic experts in areas Health Information Management, Health Administration, Inpatient and Outpatient Coding, Health Informatics, Quality Management, Statistics and Data Analysis, Research Methods, Reimbursement and Revenue Cycle Management.

Courses Offered by Meta Healthcare:

  • 1 Coding and classification
  • 2 Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI)
  • 3 Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
  • 4 Data analysis and Visualization
  • 5 Reimbursement Methodologies in Healthcare
  • 6 Medical Terminology (I &II)

Clinical Coding and Classifications

Meta Healthcare’s clinical coding and classification services has been developed by healthcare professionals with immense expertise in the field and broad experience of the national health care system.

The assignments and projects our clinical coding and auditing team can perform include:

Audit and Compliance

We can support your organization by developing customized audit programs to increase your compliance with regulatory requirements of MOH, CIBAHI, CHI.


Audit all code set requirements

Coding of all diagnoses, interventions, outpatient services, laboratory tests, imaging procedures, medications and pharmaceuticals, medical devices, dental services and procedures, and ambulance and transportation services based on claim submission on NPHIES platform of CHI.

Meta Healthcare has adapted evidence-based tools and frameworks that were proven to be effective in promoting coding and resource-grouping productivity as well as accuracy. Our team at Meta Healthcare composed of skilled and certified professionals who will always deliver high-quality and individualized plans that fit our clients’ needs, resources, and priorities.

In Meta Healthcare, we adopt a holistic approach to auditing in which clinical documentation integrity is essential to coding and reimbursement accuracy.


Clinical Documentation Improvement is crucial for accurate coding and for revenue cycle Integrity. CDI programs are designed to meet each individual facility’s needs and demands.

Clinical Documentation Improvement

  • Review the medical records to achieve best practices for clinical documentation for all health practitioners who are authorized to record information in the patients records.
  • Identify the gap and compliance with the standards of clinical documentation programs and generate reports and recommendations accordingly.
  • Ensure that all documentation compliance with the latest requirements which promotes patient safety and continuous quality improvement according to national and international accreditation bodies such as CBAHI and JCI.
  • Improve documentation to reflect quality and outcome scores archive optimal coding performance and in return accurate reimbursement for services provided.
  • Archive optimal coding performance and in return accurate reimbursement for services provided.

Research and Development


Meta Healthcare is committed to advancing the healthcare industry and raising the performance standards through evidence-based practice derived from scientific research and breakthrough innovations.

We can help your organizations achieve unprecedented levels of achievement and develop your R&D priorities and action plan with our experts. Also, we are committed to supporting individual healthcare researchers with mentorship and guidance throughout their research and project journey.

Health Information Consulting

One of the priorities of Meta Healthcare is to empower healthcare organizations as well as professionals through its cutting-edge HIM consultancy service in which it provides evidence-based tools to promote data-driven decision making at all levels of the healthcare system.

Our expert consulting service includes but not limited to:

  • General inquires of health information management.
  • Health information operations in different healthcare settings including hospitals, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, home healthcare and others.
  • National and international accreditation requirements such as CIBAHI, CHI, JCI

Coding Solutions



Meta Healthcare is an authorised reseller of TurboCoder. We have flexible plans and options that meet your individual or organisational needs. Get your license now

AR-DRG Grouper

Multiversion AR-DRG grouper to maximize clinical coding & resource-grouping productivity and accuracy; interactive, real-time AR-DRG generation in any version while coding, with the correct coding pathway always displayed.

Clinical Decision Support

CDS system to provide clinicians, staff, or patients with knowledge and personalized information that is intelligently filtered and presented at appropriate times to promote healthcare outcomes and that is compatible with the latest update in evince-based medicine practices

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